材料A Ingredient A:
- 200g 溶化牛油 (要注意不要加热过度,以免油脂分离,整个muffin cup会很油) 200g Melted butter, cooled
- 150g (3粒) 鸡蛋 150g / 3 pcs Eggs, lightly beaten
- 100g 牛奶 100g Milk
材料B Ingredient B:
- 300g (5条) 香蕉 (最好是熟透的那种,比较香)
300g / 5 Ripe bananas, mashed - 200g 幼糖 200g Castor sugar
- 1g 盐 1g Salt
材料C Ingredient C:
- 225g 面粉 225g All-purpose flour
- 5g (1小匙) 发粉 5g / 1 teaspoon Baking powder
- 5g (1小匙) 小苏打 5g / 1 teaspoon Baking soda
做法 Directions:
- 材料A的牛油溶化后放凉,加入打散的鸡蛋和牛奶搅拌均匀。
Firstly, mix the ingredient A together. - 材料B的香蕉压烂成泥,加入幼糖和盐搅拌至溶解。
In a separate bowl, mix together with ingredient B. - 将上述两者混合,加入过筛的材料C拌成面糊。
Combined the liquid mixture with ingredient C, stirring together only until all ingredients are moistened. - 将面糊装入小杯子内八分满,移入预热的烤箱以170度烘烤20-25分钟即可。
Spoon into small cups. Bake in a preheated 170C oven for 20-25 minutes. - 这个分量的食谱做了如图般大小的muffin大概19个。
Makes 19 muffins as above the picture.
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