Saturday, December 1, 2012


500g 金瓜,刨丝
70g 虾米,剁碎
150g 香菇,切粒
1/2 碗,小葱头

300g 粘米粉
1tbsp 汤匙粟粉
1tsp 素G粉
1tsp 糖
1tsp 盐
750ml 清水

1tsp 盐
1tsp 素G粉

1. 米浆混合备用。
2. 爆香小葱头、虾米、香菇、金瓜、加入调味料同炒。
3. 倒入米浆(先搅匀,要不然会沉淀),小火不停搅煮至浓稠(感觉很难搅的时候),就盛起倒入蒸盘,大火蒸1小时至熟。
4. 冷却后,切块,撒上辣椒末、青葱、炸葱片点缀。

Sunday, September 16, 2012

蒸巧克力蛋糕 Steamed Moist Chocolate Cake

180g油 butter 
150gm  红糖  brown sugar
200g 全脂淡奶 full cream evaporated milk
2粒 鸡蛋 eggs (用叉微微打散)
100g 自发面粉 self raising flour
50g  巧克力粉 chocolate powder
1/2茶匙 泡打粉 1/2tsp baking powder
1/2茶匙苏打粉 1/2tsp baking soda
1茶匙香草精 1tsp vanilla essence

1. 把红糖,淡奶,香草精,牛油放入一个碗中。
2. 用小火加热,直到红糖和牛油溶化,拌均。
3. 把打散的鸡蛋加入稍微冷却的淡奶糊里,搅拌均匀。
4. 把面粉,巧克力粉,泡打粉,苏打粉一起筛在一个碗内,然后把蛋糊倒入,搅拌均匀(此刻的蛋糕糊应该是水水的)。
5. 把蛋糕糊倒入一个抹上牛油的模具里,用锡箔纸松松的盖上(以防止水从滴水),中火蒸约45分钟。
6. 待蛋糕完全冷却后,才脱模,淋上巧克力酱。

120g 练奶 condensed milk
1茶匙香草精 1tsp vanilla essence 
2大匙粟米油 2tbsp corn oil
20g巧克力粉 chocolate powder(过滤)
少许盐A pinch of salt


Saturday, September 15, 2012

Puteri Ayu (Steamed Mini Pandan Sponge Cake)

*Makes around 19 small cakes*


2 eggs

100g caster sugar

150g plain flour

1/2tsp baking powder

1 tsp ovalette

4 oz coconut milk

1/2tsp pandan paste
1/2tsp salt


60g fresh shredded coconut

1/4tsp salt

1 tsp corn flour


1. Mix the topping ingredients together and keep aside.

2. Brush the mold with some cooking oil, fill bottom of the mold with shredded coconut.

3. Stack 2 mold together and press till shredded coconut is firmed.

4. Sift flour and baking powder.

5. Beat sugar, eggs and ovalette until fluffy.

6. Add coconut milk, pandan paste and mix well.

7. Slowly add in flour, salt and mix till well combine.

8. Fill the sponge cake mold with batter till full.

9. Prepare wok, when water boil put in the mini sponge cake, steam for 10 mins.

10. When cake turned slightly cool, remove the cake from the mold. Serve with coffee or tea.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

北海道牛奶蛋糕 Hokkaido Chiffon Cupcake

Ingredient A: 
Chiffon cake
3 egg yolks
20g sugar
35g corn oil

60g milk

70g cake flour

3 egg whites

25g sugar

Ingredient B: 
60g dairy whipping cream

10g sugar

1tsp instant custard powder

Icing sugar, for dusting

1. Pre-heat oven to 170C.

2. Arrange paper liners on baking tray.

3. Hand whisk egg yolk and sugar till pale in colour.

4. Add in corn oil and milk, mix well.

5. Sift in cake flour, stir to combine.

6. Beat egg white until foamy, gradually add sugar, and continue beat till soft peak form.

7. Take 1/3 of egg white and use a hand whisk to mix into egg yolk batter.

8. Fold in the balance egg white with a spatula till well combine.

9. Scoop batter into pre-arranged paper liners to about ¾ full.

10. Bake for 20-25 mins at middle rack.

11. Beat whipping cream with sugar till firm and stiff (over a bowl of iced water).

12. Add in custard powder, mix well.

13. Pipe custard cream into cupcake and dust with icing sugar. Refrigerated before consume.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

班兰戚风蛋糕 Pandan Chiffon Cake

A料 Ingredient A:

5 蛋白 egg whites
50g 糖 sugar
1/2 tsp 塔塔粉 cream of tartar

B料 Ingredient B:

5 蛋黄 egg yolks
50g 糖 sugar
3 tbsp 油 canola oil
100g 低筋面粉 low-protein flour
1 tsp 发粉 baking powder
100ml 椰浆 coconut milk
1/2 tsp 班兰精 pandan paste

做法 Directions:

1. 将B料全部混合轻轻搅拌均匀。
    Combine all ingredient B and mix well.

2. 将A料打至硬过后加入B料就可以了。
    Beat ingredient A till stiff and add into B.

3. 用160c烘45分钟。
    Bake at 160c for 45mins.