Monday, April 25, 2011

香蕉蛋糕 Banana Cake

 材料 Ingredients:
  • 250g 牛油 250g butter
  • 170g 糖 170g sugar
  • 4粒蛋 4 eggs
  • 4 ~ 5 条香蕉,捣烂 4~5 bananas, mashed
  • 1 小匙香草精 1 tsp vanilla essence

粉料(筛过)Mixed Flour (sifted):
  • 270g 面粉 270g plain flour
  • 1/2 小匙发粉 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 1/2 小匙苏打粉 1/2 tsp baking soda

做法 Directions:
  1. 将一个8.5' x 8.5' x 3' 的四方烤盘涂上油,预热烤箱至170C。Grease a 8.5' x 8.5' x 3' baking tray and preheat oven to 170C.
  2. 先将牛油和糖打至松白,蛋逐粒加入搅拌均匀。Beat butter and sugar until white and fluffy. Add egg one bye one and mix well.
  3. 加入捣烂香蕉和香草精拌匀,最后加入粉料再拌匀即可。Add in mashed banana and vanilla essence, mix well. Fold in flour.
  4. 将混合物倒入烤盘中,烤约50分钟至金黄便可。Pour mixture into baking tray and bake for 50 minutes.

Monday, April 11, 2011

脆皮芝士蛋糕 Cruncy Cheese Cake

材料  Ingredients:
  • 250g牛油  250g butter
  • 100g糖粉 100g icing sugar
  • 5粒蛋白  5 egg whites
  • 135g幼糖  135g castor sugar
  • 5粒蛋黄  5 egg yolks
  • 200g自发粉,加35g粟粉,筛2次  200g self-raising flour, mixed with 35g corn flour, sifted 2 times
  • 100g Cheddar磨碎芝士  100g grated Cheddar cheese
上层  Topping:
  • 600g Cheddar芝士  600g Cheddar cheese

做法  Directions:
  1. 先将牛油和糖粉打至松法。
    Cream butter and icing sugar till light.
  2. 另将蛋白和幼糖拌至白及硬,加入蛋黄拌匀。
    Whisk egg whites and castor sugar til stiff. Add egg yolks and beat well.
  3. 拌入牛油混合物(1)、筛过的粉和芝士碎轻轻搅匀。
    Mix in butter mixture (1) and fold in flour and cheese.
  4. 倒入一个已铺上油纸和涂上油的22cm方形烤盘,再将芝士磨碎铺在蛋糕糊上。
    Pour into a lined and greased 22cm baking tin. Grate cheese to cover the top.
  5. 放入已预热烤箱,用180C烤约30分钟至熟及金黄色便可。
    Bake in a pre-heated oven at 180C for about 30 minutes til cooked and golden brown.

NOTE: The baked cheese cake has a layer of crunchy cheese on top. The saltish taste of the cheese enhances the flavour of the whole cake and make it very delicious.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

云石巧克力芝士蛋糕 Marbled Chocolate Cheese Cake

 材料A  Ingredient A:

  • 180g牛油  180g butter
  • 20g可可粉,过筛  20g cocoa powder, sifted
  • 180g-200g幼糖  180g-200g castor sugar
  • 3粒鸡蛋  3 eggs
  • 120g自发面粉,过筛  120g self-raising flour, sifted

材料B  Ingredient B:
  • 250g奶油芝士  250g cream cheese
  • 60g幼糖  60g castor sugar
  • 1小匙云尼拉  1 teaspoon vanilla essence
  • 1粒鸡蛋  1 eggs
  • 1/2杯水  1/2 cup water

做法  Directions:
  1. A:将牛油煮溶加入可可粉搅拌均匀,待稍冷,加入幼糖打匀,逐粒加入蛋打匀,最后加入面粉搅匀。倒入一已抹油及铺上纸之20cm方形烘盘中用170C之火度烘约15分钟(50%半生熟)。
    A: Melt butter in a saucepan, add cocoa powder and mix well. Cool slightly and beat in castor sugar. Beat in eggs one at a time. Lastly, mix in flour. Pour into a greased and lined 20cm square tin. Bake at 170C for about 15 minutes.  
  2. B:将全部材料搅匀。倒入A料上用小刀拉成云石形,放入烘炉内继续烘至金黄色(约25分钟)。取出待冷,便可切片供食。
    B: Mix all the ingredients together and beat well. Pour over A and swirl through with a small knife for marbled effect. Return to oven and continue to bake til golden brown (about 25 minutes). Remove and leave to cool. Slice and serve.

NOTE: The marble effect will not be nice if the cake is over cooked before pouring in B mixture.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

香蕉马芬 Banana Muffin

材料A  Ingredient A:
  • 200g 溶化牛油 (要注意不要加热过度,以免油脂分离,整个muffin cup会很油)  200g Melted butter, cooled
  • 150g (3) 鸡蛋  150g / 3 pcs Eggs, lightly beaten
  • 100g 牛奶  100g Milk

材料B  Ingredient B:
  • 300g (5) 香蕉 (最好是熟透的那种,比较香
    300g / 5 Ripe bananas, mashed
  • 200g 幼糖  200g Castor sugar
  • 1g 盐  1g Salt

材料C  Ingredient C:
  • 225g 面粉  225g All-purpose flour
  • 5g (1小匙) 发粉  5g / 1 teaspoon Baking powder
  • 5g (1小匙) 小苏打  5g / 1 teaspoon Baking soda

做法  Directions:
  1. 材料A的牛油溶化后放凉,加入打散的鸡蛋和牛奶搅拌均匀。
    Firstly, mix the ingredient A together.
  2. 材料B的香蕉压烂成泥,加入幼糖和盐搅拌至溶解。
    In a separate bowl, mix together with ingredient B.
  3. 将上述两者混合,加入过筛的材料C拌成面糊。
    Combined the liquid mixture with ingredient C, stirring together only until all ingredients are moistened.
  4. 将面糊装入小杯子内八分满,移入预热的烤箱以170度烘烤20-25分钟即可。
    Spoon into small cups. Bake in a preheated 170C oven for 20-25 minutes.
  5. 这个分量的食谱做了如图般大小的muffin大概19个。
    Makes 19 muffins as above the picture.